игроки и активисты недели
    игроки и активисты недели
    Пост недели от Йеннифэр_ Неужели это конец? Как же нелепо закончить столь непродолжительную жизнь для чародейки, идя на поводу у собственной глупости, и практически добровольно вручив себя, перевязанную бантом, словно дорогой подарок, могущественным ведьмам, которых победить Йеннифэр никогда бы не смогла.
    Забавная вещь: когда ищешь иголку в стоге сена, найти её не удаётся, как ни старайся. но если тебе совершенно безразлично, пусть бы ты эту иголку никогда больше и не увидел, тогда стоит прислониться к стогу, и она тут же впивается тебе в бок. (с) Так держать, Дживс!
    самое главное в книге — это читатель

    autumn leaves

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    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    ссылка, а тут жирный, а тут обычный, зачеркнутый

    тут текст

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged.



    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

    ссылка, а тут жирный, а тут обычный, зачеркнутый

    тут текст

    She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged.


    Вы здесь » autumn leaves » FAQ » Тестовое сообщение

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